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Looking for: Dell recovery disk windows 10 Click here to DOWNLOAD Dell recovery disk windows 10.How Do I Create A Dell Recovery Disk For Windows 10 This will remove your personal files, apps and drivers you installed, and changes you made to settings. Power on the system and continually tap the F12 key to open the boot selection menu. Use the arrow keys to highlight the USB recovery drive in the list and press Enter. The system will now load the recovery software from the USB drive. While the computer restarts, press F8 to open the Advanced Boot Options menu. Select the USB storage device and press Enter. Select Recovery from the left-hand side menu. Under Advanced Startup click on the Restart Now button on the right-hand side of the screen. The computer will restart and boot to an Options Menu. Click on Troubleshoot. Windows Reinstall Windows 10 after the free upgrade You can choose to make a clean installation, or perform the upgrade again. T...